Il progetto punta a promuovere, migliorare e facilitare la cooperazione internazionale al fine di condividere le conoscenze, le esperienze pratiche e le migliori soluzioni sperimentate nella valorizzazione e presentazione dei beni culturali e storici tipici dell'area adriatica.
Il progetto e le attività saranno orientate verso una ricognizione ed analisi della "Cultura Veneziana" nelle città costiere adriatiche che hanno avuto un ruolo o sono state comunque influenzate dalla presenza storica della Repubblica di Venezia.
.The Institute for Mediterranean Heritage at the Science and Research Centre of the University of Primorska invites to contribute as partners on the project entitled SERENISSIMA, SHARED HERITAGE FOR JOINT DEVELOPMENT IN THE ADRIATIC REGION, one of the standard project on the IPA Adriatic Initiative in wich AdriaPAN is involved.
The project aims to promote, improve and facilitate international cooperation in order to achieve the exchange of knowledge, practical experience and best-practice solutions in the valorisation and presentation of cultural heritage and historic monuments typical of the Adriatic area.
The project and its activities will be oriented towards recognising and analysing "Venetian heritage" in select Adriatic coastal towns that have been ruled or at least influenced by the Venetian Republic.
.The project aims to promote, improve and facilitate international cooperation in order to achieve the exchange of knowledge, practical experience and best-practice solutions in the valorisation and presentation of cultural heritage and historic monuments typical of the Adriatic area.
The project and its activities will be oriented towards recognising and analysing "Venetian heritage" in select Adriatic coastal towns that have been ruled or at least influenced by the Venetian Republic.
INFO, please write to Vesna Pintarič: