Questi sono gli elementi essenziali definiti in un incontro tenutosi a Trieste, presso la sede della Riserva Naturale marina di Miramare, il 18 dicembre scorso. Un incontro tra rappresentanti di AdriaPAN e rappresentanti di una rete i Istituzioni e Università balcaniche. Oggetto dell’incontro era la possibile candidatura congiunta, all’interno del programma UE denominato “IPA Adriatico”, delle due iniziative progettuali che si stavano muovendo parallelamente tra le due sponde dell’Adriatico su tematiche molto simili tra loro.
L’idea di unire gli sforzi in un unico grande progetto è stata accolta dai presenti ed andrà ora verificata attraverso contatti diretti con i tanti partner dei due gruppi. L’esito definitivo di questa proposta si avrà in occasione del prossimo incontro, che assumerà la forma di un Workshop aperto a tutti gli interessati, che si terrà a Koper, Slovenia, nel mese di gennaio 2009.
Si configura così in maniera forte la prima candidatura a programmi UE della rete AdriaPAN.
On the 18th of december 2008, in the office of Miramare Natural Reserve in Trieste, Italy, there has been a AdriaPAN summit with the University of Primorska of Koper, who is a leader of a network of several Institution and University in Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Albania, Greece and Italy. The new IPA Adriatic UE program was the object of the summit. AdriaPAN secretariat asked for a cooperation with that network due to the same subject of activity.
The summit was useful and very interesting. At the end all of participants were happy for the results. HEART of Adriatic (Heritage Environment Archeology Respect Tourism), this is the name of a proposal that will be developed from all the partner interested. All the activities will be designed in the marine and coastal protected areas of Adriatic sea, existing or proposed, by a large group of partner.
Another summit is organizing, as a Workshop opened to all partners, on next Genuary in Koper, Slovenia.
On the 18th of december 2008, in the office of Miramare Natural Reserve in Trieste, Italy, there has been a AdriaPAN summit with the University of Primorska of Koper, who is a leader of a network of several Institution and University in Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Albania, Greece and Italy. The new IPA Adriatic UE program was the object of the summit. AdriaPAN secretariat asked for a cooperation with that network due to the same subject of activity.
The summit was useful and very interesting. At the end all of participants were happy for the results. HEART of Adriatic (Heritage Environment Archeology Respect Tourism), this is the name of a proposal that will be developed from all the partner interested. All the activities will be designed in the marine and coastal protected areas of Adriatic sea, existing or proposed, by a large group of partner.
Another summit is organizing, as a Workshop opened to all partners, on next Genuary in Koper, Slovenia.