In the framework of the Marie Curie Program, the project "Monitoring of the Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas" (MMMPA) has been funded for a four years period to train the next generation of MPA scientists and managers, equipping them with a flexible set of skills essential within a wide range of professional environments, including public administration, local authorities, industry and academia. They will focus on the most important aspects that need adequate conservation.
In total, 10 early stage researchers (36-month PhD candidate position) and 4 experienced researchers (postdoctoral 6-month position) will be hired, each one following a definite research project, whose aims will be achieved working at five mediterranean MPAs.
Info on: www.mmmpa.eu
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Per la sottoscrizione della Carta di Cerrano, che consente l'adesione ad AdriaPAN, vedi "How to Join" sopra.
1 April 2012
AdriaPAN partner of BIENNALE HABITAT 2012 "Adriatic Sea World Heritage"

Il progetto mette in rete “la Conoscenza del Sistema Adriatico-Jonico” in un evento reale e dinamico coinvolgendo tutti i livelli dimensionali dei territori adriatico-jonici, dal piano sociale a quello ambientale, dal piano culturale a quello economico, dal piano tecnico a quello scientifico.
The Biennale Habitat 2012 promotes the safeguard and the enhancement of the Adriatic territories within the emerging Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion through the exploration of the “Adriatic-Ionian territory” under the different aspects and themes, the different specificities,
criticalities and potentialities.
This project networks “the knowledge of the Adriatic-Ionian System” in a real event and in an interactive and dynamic web portal involving all dimensional levels of the Adriatic-Ionian territories, from the social to the environmental level, from the cultural to the economical
level, from the technical to the scientific one.
criticalities and potentialities.
This project networks “the knowledge of the Adriatic-Ionian System” in a real event and in an interactive and dynamic web portal involving all dimensional levels of the Adriatic-Ionian territories, from the social to the environmental level, from the cultural to the economical
level, from the technical to the scientific one.
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