For Cerrano Charter subscription and join to AdriaPAN see "How to Join" above/ Per la sottoscrizione della Carta di Cerrano, che consente l'adesione ad AdriaPAN, vedi "How to Join" sopra.__________________________________________________
The AdriaPAN Secretariat is organized in many different focal points managed by the Director, Manager or Delegate of the Protected Areas that subscribed the Cherrano Charter. This group is coordinated by the protected areas that promoted the constitution of AdriaPAN:
Marine Protected Area of "Miramare" and Marine Protected Area of "Torre del Cerrano".
For any contact or information the e.mail address of the AdriaPAN secretariat is:
Per sottoscrizioni e adesioni alla Carta di Cerrano (Cerrano Charter) scrivi al segretariato di Adriapan:
To Join in AdriaPAN write to AdriaPAN Secretariat: