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20 March 2021

The ParksJournal talks about AdriaPAN activities under Covid period


The Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) of the Adriatic, gathered in the AdriaPAN network, were recently featured in Parks journal, the International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation published by IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA).
The article aims to provide a panorama of how MPAs around the world are coping with the consequences of the COVID 19 pandemics and the transformations this may induce in the future. Among the 14 case studies presented in the article, a focus is made on the Mediterranean region and more specifically on the Adriatic sea. 
Croatian MPAs report on dwindling revenues from tourism and budget cuts from the government that translated into an adaptation of activities and plans that sometimes led to positive outcomes, for example with the fisheries sector. Italian MPAs highlight the work done in relation to the conservation of the Kentish Plover, an endangered flagship species that nested on the empty beaches during the first lock-down but that is strongly impacted by mechanical beach cleaning practices. A large mobilisation of actors at all levels made it possible to protect the nests after the lock down. Talks are now underway, with the support of the Interreg MED MPA NETWORKS project, to improve beach cleaning processes.

Main article:

Case studies 


Le Aree Marine Protette (AMP) dell'Adriatico, raccolte nel network AdriaPAN, sono state recentemente presentate su Parks journal, l'International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation pubblicato dalla IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA).

L'articolo mira a fornire un panorama di come le AMP di tutto il mondo stanno affrontando le conseguenze delle pandemie COVID 19 e le trasformazioni che ciò potrebbe indurre in futuro. Tra i 14 casi di studio presentati nell'articolo, un focus è sulla regione del Mediterraneo e più specificamente sul mare Adriatico.

Le AMP croate riferiscono sulla diminuzione delle entrate dal turismo e sui tagli al bilancio del governo che si sono tradotti in un adattamento delle attività e dei piani che a volte ha portato a risultati positivi, ad esempio con il settore della pesca. Le AMP italiane evidenziano il lavoro svolto in relazione alla conservazione del Kentish Plover, una specie di punta in via di estinzione che nidificava sulle spiagge deserte durante il primo blocco ma che è fortemente influenzata dalle pratiche di pulizia meccanica delle spiagge. Una grande mobilitazione di attori a tutti i livelli ha permesso di proteggere i nidi dopo il blocco. Sono ora in corso colloqui, con il supporto del progetto Interreg MED MPA NETWORKS, per migliorare i processi di pulizia delle spiagge.

11 February 2021

How to finance MPAs? Release of the practical guide on financing mechanisms


On the occasion of the release of a practical guide, as part of the Co-managed No-Take Zones/MPAs project, we cordially invite you to participate in the webinar on financing mechanisms. The webinar will take place on Wednesday 17 February from 11 am to 12:20 (CET). The webinar will be available in English and in French.

Conservation efforts are too crucial to be conditioned by the availability of a financing source. Developing a sustainable financing strategy, allowing for the diversification of funding, should be a priority for MPAs. The implementation of adapted financing mechanisms is a useful complementary approach that all MPA managers should consider for their sustainability. But how can this be achieved?

Visitor fees, concession fees, revolving fund: we will share practical methodologies for the implementation of these financial mechanisms on your sites.

After introducing the Co-managed No-Take Zones/MPAs project, the financing issues of conservation activities and the capacity building opportunities for MPA managers, we will present three self-financing mechanisms, illustrated by practical cases. This webinar aims at sharing concrete experiences and inspiring MPA managers to diversify their funding. A large part of it will be reserved for questions and exchanges.

Click here for the programme and press next to register. Technical details to join will be sent on Tuesday 16 February.

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