For Cerrano Charter subscription and join to AdriaPAN see "How to Join" above/
Per la sottoscrizione della Carta di Cerrano, che consente l'adesione ad AdriaPAN, vedi "How to Join" sopra.

10 September 2020

Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2020

The Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2020 will take place from 14 to 25 September 2020 in the coastal town of Izola and remotely via the EUSAIR Stakeholders Platform.

A series of events will adress the current challenges and future potentials of the Adriatic Sea and Coast.

This is the event where AdriaPAN is involved:

Per sottoscrizioni e adesioni alla Carta di Cerrano (Cerrano Charter) scrivi al segretariato di Adriapan:

To Join in AdriaPAN write to AdriaPAN Secretariat:

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