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27 June 2015

Call for a Adriatic Start up School

It is precisely under the fourth thematic pillar, the one dedicated to regional attractiveness aimed at promoting the region as a single destination and as an integrated proposal for cultural heritage, landscape and environmental, but also hitting cross-cutting priorities of the European strategy, which places itself the project ECAPITAL – Adriatic Start up School, which include a first format dedicated to the creation of START-UPS in the FIELD of CULTURAL TOURISM.

The promoters think that the conditions for the formation of new start-ups among young people of the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Region exist, and they aim to promote this initiative in order to fertilize the ideas of young people and provide them with business training, so that they can enhance the region's cultural heritage, which represents a very important resource to be exploited to give life to new businesses in the territory by offering attractive products and services for the development of cultural tourism.

The call for ideas is addressed to 25 young people from the 8 countries of the Adriatic-Ionian Macro Region (excluding people coming from the Marche region – Italy, who will be object of a dedicated Call). It is possible to apply exclusively online on the website, filling in the application form, starting from the 15th of June 2015 (opening date of the Call), within 12:00 am of the 20th of July 2015


17 June 2015

Rovinj-Croatia June 20th, 2015

Il 20 giugno da Rovigno, in Croazia, assemblea internazionale della coalizione croata SOS Za Jadran (SOS Adriatico), per una mobilitazione comune, a livello internazionale, contro le trivellazioni petrolifere che minacciano l’Adriatico su più fronti.

June 20, Rovinj, Croatia, International Assembly of the coalition SOS Croatian Za Jadran (Adriatic SOS), for a joint mobilization, at international level, against the oil drilling that threaten the Adriatic on several fronts.

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