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Per la sottoscrizione della Carta di Cerrano, che consente l'adesione ad AdriaPAN, vedi "How to Join" sopra.

25 April 2013

Next three AdriaPAN meetings

Within the project PANforAMaR (Protected Areas Network for Adriatic Macro Region) financed by IAI-Ionian&Adriatic Initiative, there are three dates for the next meeting:

1) Date: June 05, 2013
Type of meeting: webinar (web seminar)
Program: under definition according to the projects to be discussed. The meeting is to evaluate the projects should be candidate considering the next call for proposals.
Registration: send an email to to show the interest to present a new project proposal or just to attend to the on line meeting.

2) Date: September 24, 25, 2013
Type of meeting: workshop
Location: Brijuni National Park, Croatia
Program: soon a draft version will be available.
Registration: to take advantage of special prices for the accomodation, it is better to send an email to as soon as possible. NO refunds of travel and accomodation expences are available.

3) Date: December 12, 13, 2013
Type of meeting: conference+workshop
Location: Miramare MPA, Italy
Program: under construction

The Re.S.C.We project ended

The works formally ended in October 2012, when the inauguration of the new wetland took place.
Re.S.C.We. project, Restoration of Sentina Coastal Wetlands (LIFE09 NAT/IT/000608) has been financed by the European Commission with Life+ 2009, component Nature and Biodiversity.
The last Newsletter is on line (Num 5, March 2013).

I lavori sono formalmente terminati nell’ottobre 2012 con l’inaugurazione della nuova area umida.
Il progetto Re.S.C.We., Restoration of Sentina coastal wetlands, (LIFE09 NAT/IT/000608) è stato finanziato dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito del programma LIFE+ 2009 - componente Natura e biodiversità.
L’ultimo numero della Newsletter è on line (Num.5,Marzo 2013).
Per sottoscrizioni e adesioni alla Carta di Cerrano (Cerrano Charter) scrivi al segretariato di Adriapan:

To Join in AdriaPAN write to AdriaPAN Secretariat:

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