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Per la sottoscrizione della Carta di Cerrano, che consente l'adesione ad AdriaPAN, vedi "How to Join" sopra.

13 December 2013

AdriaPAN in Lecce 16-12-2013: PROACTNATURA2000

On 16th of December in Lecce an International Conference is organized by Torre Guaceto MPA and Porto Cesareo MPA, with the sponsorship of Italian Environmental Ministry, FederParchi and funded by ETCP Greece Italy, under a project called PROACTNATURA2000.
This project has as its aims the development of a common strategy for the improvement of cross-border governance of protected sites at sea and along the coastline, with a special focus for the Marine SCIs. The project activities are finalized to the draft of a Management Plan for the integrated governance of coastal areas, shared between the project partners, and consistent with the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean and the Barcelona Convention, signed in Madrid in 21.01.2008.
The planned International Conference is focused on the challenge of the Marine SCIs Management, between legislation, effectiveness in the protection and management and funding, open to researchers, managers, decision makers, Institutions. The expected result is to bring together all the interested parties and propose an active dialogue between stakeholders at different levels (regional, national, international) in the management of coastal areas.

Il prossimo 16 Dicembre 2013 a Lecce si terrà una International Conference sul tema “Gestione Integrata delle aree costiere”, nell’ambito del Progetto PROTECTION ACTIONS FOR CROSS-BORDER AND JOINT MANAGEMENT OF MARINE SITES OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (NATURA 2000), finanziato dal Programma Operativo Grecia-Italia 2007/2013, Assieme all’AMP Torre Guaceto (Lead Partner del progetto), l'AMP di Porto Cesareo, la Regione Puglia – Ufficio Parchi, l’Ente di Gestione del Golfo di Amvrakikos, l’Ente di Gestione della Laguna di Messolonghi ed ETANAM (Agenzia di Sviluppo delle Prefetture di Arta e Preveza).
L’evento è patrocinato da  MedPan, la rete dei soggetti gestori di aree marine protette del Mediterraneo, Adriapan, Network delle Aree Protette costiere e marine del Mar Adriatico,  AIDAP, Associazione italiana dei Direttori e funzionari delle Aree Protette, Federparchi, associazione nazionale dei parchi e delle aree protette, e Ministero dell'Ambiente.
Il progetto si pone quale obiettivo lo sviluppo di una strategia comune transfrontaliera per il miglioramento della governance dei siti protetti in mare e lungo la fascia costiera e culminerà nell’elaborazione di un Piano di Gestione per la governance integrata delle aree costiere, condiviso tra i partner di progetto, e coerente con il Protocollo sulla Gestione Integrata delle Zone Costiere del Mediterraneo e della Convenzione di Barcellona, stipulato a Madrid nel 21.01.2008.

Lecce-ITA - Hotel Tiziano 16-12-2013, 

15 November 2013

In Brussels for Marine Strategy

Below the AdriaPAN Secretariat intervention to the “Stakehoders seminar on boosting blue growth in the Adriatic and Ionian Region” (Bruxelles, 14 November 2013) by Carlo FRANZOSINI - Miramare MPA.

AdriaPAN Secretariat Intervention to the “Stakehoders seminar on boosting blue growth in the Adriatic and Ionian Region”. Bruxelles, 14 November 2013.
Panel 3A – Spatial planning and Coastal Zone Management

MPAs are an asset for Pillar 3 of the Adriatic-Ionian strategy: they could serve as reference point and control sites for marine biodiversity, but also as dissemination/awareness tool.

Having in mind the present situation of the marine environment, we have to ask for more MPAs in the adriatic-ionian sub-region. Its high diversity is spanning from the Jabuka pit to the wetlands in Albania and on the northern side, to the croatian and slovenian cliffs, to the sandy shorelines.

Thinking about the DIVERSITY we share within this stretch of sea, we have to consider the diverse richness of our sites: landscapes, languages, cultures, historical heritage, wine and food, and all of this in a space as little as the Adriatic-Ionian sub-region. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) host biodiversity hotspots and are - most of the times - spawning grounds or nursery areas for fish populations, thus serving fish stock populations targetted by fishing industry. The majority of these areas host historical sites (i.e. Brijuni), or high quality agriculture (i.e. Torre Guaceto), fishing grounds (i.e. Torre del Cerrano), specialised aquaculture (i.e. Po river mouth), tourist attractions such as wine/food specialities or folkloristic events. Diversity is attractiveness.

As the financial resources to manage MPAs are scarse, more coordination is needed among ministries, E.U. institutions, donors. Ministry for environment at first, but also agriculture/fisheries, historical/archeological goods, tourism authorities. The environment protection can not be limited to the coastal area, but should include open sea – deepwater sites, fishing management zones, historical sites and food/wine attractions too, for a better efficiency of the scarse financial resources. The result would be the overall protection of our marine-coastal heritage - taking into consideration each one of its aspects - bringing it to be more attarctive. A model could be the one of the “Coastal action groups”, but tailored on a broader vision of environment and cultural conservation.

The network of MPAs represented by AdriaPAN – a regional branch of the wider MedPAN network – is presently facing several threats: climate change and alien species (for which detailled monitoring activity is more and more urgent) and local-scale human activities for which more control is needed. This second group encompasses marine litter and sewage treatment plants, industrial use of huge amounts of seawater as the one foreseen for LNG regasification plants, oil prospection activities using air-guns which are harmful for delicate species such as dolphins and monk seal.

25 April 2013

Next three AdriaPAN meetings

Within the project PANforAMaR (Protected Areas Network for Adriatic Macro Region) financed by IAI-Ionian&Adriatic Initiative, there are three dates for the next meeting:

1) Date: June 05, 2013
Type of meeting: webinar (web seminar)
Program: under definition according to the projects to be discussed. The meeting is to evaluate the projects should be candidate considering the next call for proposals.
Registration: send an email to to show the interest to present a new project proposal or just to attend to the on line meeting.

2) Date: September 24, 25, 2013
Type of meeting: workshop
Location: Brijuni National Park, Croatia
Program: soon a draft version will be available.
Registration: to take advantage of special prices for the accomodation, it is better to send an email to as soon as possible. NO refunds of travel and accomodation expences are available.

3) Date: December 12, 13, 2013
Type of meeting: conference+workshop
Location: Miramare MPA, Italy
Program: under construction

The Re.S.C.We project ended

The works formally ended in October 2012, when the inauguration of the new wetland took place.
Re.S.C.We. project, Restoration of Sentina Coastal Wetlands (LIFE09 NAT/IT/000608) has been financed by the European Commission with Life+ 2009, component Nature and Biodiversity.
The last Newsletter is on line (Num 5, March 2013).

I lavori sono formalmente terminati nell’ottobre 2012 con l’inaugurazione della nuova area umida.
Il progetto Re.S.C.We., Restoration of Sentina coastal wetlands, (LIFE09 NAT/IT/000608) è stato finanziato dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito del programma LIFE+ 2009 - componente Natura e biodiversità.
L’ultimo numero della Newsletter è on line (Num.5,Marzo 2013).

22 February 2013

A new member, the Ripabianca Natural Reserve, and three new associated, joined AdriaPAN

The Natural Reserve of Ripabianca, close to Jesi in Italy is a new member of AdriaPAN. The director Mr. Belfiori participate to the last workshop "AdriaPAN in Europe" held in San Benedetto Tronto (Ita) on the end of January and he was excited about that. He submitted the formal request only after a verify conducted with the AdriaPAN secretariat. The Ripabianca is, in fact, a river reserve not exactly on the coast. It is the second Protected Areas admitted to become meber that are neither marine or coastal one. The first one was the Natural Reserve of Calanchi di Atri. Both of them are WWF Oasi.
With this new member other three new associated have adhered to AdriaPAN: The Environmental Biology Department of the University of Rome3; The CRAS srl- Research Center for Environment and Sustanible Development, from Rome as well, and the MedCEM- Mediterranean Center for Environment Monitoring from Montenegro.

La Riserva naturale di Ripabianca, vicino Jesi in Italia è un nuovo membro AdriaPAN. Il direttore, Dr. Belfiori, ha partecipato all'ultimo workshop "AdriaPAN in Europe" svoltosi a San Benedetto del Tronto alla fine di gennaio e si è detto entusiasta dell'organizzazione. Ha presentato la domanda formale solo dopo una verifica condotta con il segretariato AdriaPAN. Ripabianca è, infatti, una riserva fluviale non esattamente sulla costa. E' la seconda area protetta ammessa a diventare membro AdriaPAN che non è  marina o costiera. La prima è stata la Riserva Naturale dei Calanchi di Atri. Entrambe sono Oasi WWF.
Oltre questo nuovo membro anche tre nuovi associati hanno aderito ad AdriaPAN: Il Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale dell'Università degli Studi di Roma 3; il CRAS -Centro Ricerche per l'Ambiente e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, anch'esso di Roma, e il MedCEM-Centro Mediterraneo per il monitoraggio ambientale del Montenegro .



The second meeting of the AII Adriatic&Ionian Initiative project PANforAMaR (Protected Areas Network for Adriatic Macro Region), will be held in Fossacesia (Abruzzo Region, Italy), on March, 23, 2013. During the event we will discuss about slow tourism, with particular regard to cycle mobility along the Adriatic coast and inside the protected areas.
In this occasion, we will deepen the project BySEAcle, already discussed during the round-table of the meeting "AdriaPAN in Europe".
The event of Fossacesia is organized by the Municipality of Fossacesia and by the Nature Regional Reserve of "San Giovanni in Venere", with the support of the MPA Torre del Cerrano and the AdriaPAN network.


Si svolgerà a Fossacesia il 23 Marzo 2012 il secondo incontro del progetto dell'Iniziativa Adriatico Ionica PANforAMaR (Protected Areas Network for Adriatic Macro Region). L'oggetto della mattinata di lavori sarà il turismo lento, con specifico riferimento alla mobilità ciclabile lungo la costa adriatica e nelle aree protette.
Sarà questa l'occasione per approfondire ulteriormente il progetto BySEACle, già discusso durante una tavola rotonda del metting di San Benedetto del Tronto "AdriaPAN in Europe".
L'evento di Fossacesia è organizzato dal Comune di Fossacesia e dalla Riserva Naturale Regionale "San Giovanni in Venere", con il supporto dell'AMP Torre del Cerrano e della rete AdriaPAN.

12 January 2013

New 14 AdriaPAN members

During the organization of the next AdriaPAN workshop, that will be held on January 31 and February the 1st in San Bendetrto del Tronto-Italy, (info on more than 14 croatian protected areas signed the Cerrano Charter with their management body and became officially AdriaPAN member.
This is the list of new member:

 1  -Special Reserve Prvic 
 2  -Special Reserve Cres Island 
 3  -Important Landscape Lopar 
Managed by: Public Institution Priroda County of Primorje and Gorski Kotar- Rijeka HVR

 4  -Special Reserve Kolansko Rogoza (Zadar)
 5  -Special Reserve Veliko i Malo (Zadar)
 6  -Important Landscape Dugi otok Island (Zadar)
Managed by : Natura Jadera, Public Institution for Management of Nature Protected Areas in Zadar County- Zadar HVR. 

 7  -Significant Landsacape Zut-Sit Archipelago (Sibenik)
 8  -Significant Landsacape River Krka lower course (Sibenik)
 9  -Significant Landsacape Sibenik Channell-Harbour (Sibenik)
Managed by: Public Institution for Management of Protected Areas in Knin County- Sibenik HVR. 

10 -Special Reserve Neretva River Delta (Dubrovnik)
11 -Special Marine Reserve Mali Ston and Malo More (Dubrovnik)
12 -Special Reserve Island Mrkan, Bobana and Supetar (Dubrovnik)
13 -Significant Landsacape Saplunara Island (Dubrovnik)
14 -Significant Landsacape Badija Island (Dubrovnik)
Managed by: Public Institution for the Management of Protected Natural Values in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County- Dubrovnik HVR.
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