The SEE Programme will open its last call allowing the submission of proposals in all the Priorities and Areas of Interventions (AoI). The 4th and last call for project proposals is foreseen to open in week 40 (between 3-7 October 2011) and to close in week 47 (between 21The SEE Programme will open its last call allowing the submission of proposals in all the Priorities and Areas of Interventions (AoI). The 4th and last call for project proposals is foreseen to open in week 40 (between 3-7 October 2011) and to close in week 47 (between 21-25 November 2011)-25 November 2011)
Under this call, applicants will be able to submit proposals under all the Programme Priorities and Areas of Intervention.
The funds available for the 4th call for proposals will be of at least 43 Million Euro ERDF, more than 6 Million IPA and 1 Million ENPI. Additional funds might become available in case of savings from already approved projects. The ERDF allocation to each of the aforementioned 4 priorities is subject to an approval procedure by the European Commission. Additional information will be provided in due time on this web page.
Applicants are invited to start already at this stage the development of their project proposals.
In order to meet the requirements of the Programme and to gain an understanding of the expectations of the Programme the following documents shall be downloaded and read carefully:
SEE 4th Call pre-announcement: summarizing the main elements of the call (projects' duration, funds available, etc.);
SEE Programme Manual 4th Call (pre-announcement version 4.1): providing a detailed guidance on how to prepare the project proposal and the characteristics the proposals submitted under this call should have;
SEE 4th Call Application Form: which is the reporting all the data that will have to be collected and submitted via the Programme web based monitoring system (IMIS) once the call will be officially open (beginning October 2011).
Further to the above mentioned, in order to steer and guide the project generation process towards achieving the Programme objectives the SEE management bodies, with the support of selected experts, prepared a "Background Study" which analyses the programme results achieved so far as well as the current programme strategy in light of the new developments/trend in the region. The study is providing some "food for thoughts" that might be helpful to consider when developing a new proposal. However, applicants shall be aware that the contents of this document can not be considered in any form as mandatory, being the document a consultative tool.
Further information can be obtained contacting the SEE JTS and/ or the SCP network
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Per la sottoscrizione della Carta di Cerrano, che consente l'adesione ad AdriaPAN, vedi "How to Join" sopra.
27 July 2011
21 July 2011
ChaMon News
ATTENZIONE Whorshop spostato a fine settembre in attesa data conferma
Riparte ChaMon
Reti ecologiche in Adriatico per Fratino e Foca Monaca
Il progetto ChaMon sarà presentato nella prossima call del programma IPA-CBC, prevista per la prima settimana di agosto. Il Parco Nazionale del Gargano è il Lead Applicant del progetto e sta organizzando un workshop che si terrà a Monte Sant'Angelo (FG) in data 01/09/2011. Eventuali ulteriori partner interessati sono pregati di contattare i curatori del progetto ChaMon all’indirizzo:
Pay ATTENTION Whorshop postponed to the end of September, waiting for confirm.
Restart ChaMon
Ecological networks in Adriatic sea for Kentish povler and Monk seal
The ChaMon project will be presented in the next call of IPA- CBC program, scheduled for the first week of August. Gargano National Park is the Lead Applicant of the project and is organizing a workshop to be held in Monte Sant'Angelo (Italy, FG) on 01/09/2011. Any additional partners are invited to contact the curators of the Chamon project at:
ATTENZIONE Whorshop spostato a fine settembre in attesa data conferma
Riparte ChaMon
Reti ecologiche in Adriatico per Fratino e Foca Monaca
Il progetto ChaMon sarà presentato nella prossima call del programma IPA-CBC, prevista per la prima settimana di agosto. Il Parco Nazionale del Gargano è il Lead Applicant del progetto e sta organizzando un workshop che si terrà a Monte Sant'Angelo (FG) in data 01/09/2011. Eventuali ulteriori partner interessati sono pregati di contattare i curatori del progetto ChaMon all’indirizzo:
Pay ATTENTION Whorshop postponed to the end of September, waiting for confirm.
Restart ChaMon
Ecological networks in Adriatic sea for Kentish povler and Monk seal
The ChaMon project will be presented in the next call of IPA- CBC program, scheduled for the first week of August. Gargano National Park is the Lead Applicant of the project and is organizing a workshop to be held in Monte Sant'Angelo (Italy, FG) on 01/09/2011. Any additional partners are invited to contact the curators of the Chamon project at:
2 July 2011
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